'Heart of the People' is an original festival banner measuring approx. 340 cm wide x 310 cm deep (2008). It is painted with acrylics on some big old curtains found in op-shops and sewn together! About 100 hrs work at a rough estimate.
'Heart of the People' is about BIG LOVE!
It represents all the people that make up our diverse community. Black and white, male and female, 8 people is for balance, and success on the material plane. All us mob who together make the one big heart, supporting each other and holding space, in harmony with, and respect for nature (green), illuminated from within and without by the sun/life force (yellow). An 8 pointed star/flower = success, creation, balance, radiation of this core intent. Eternally (infinity symbol) creating and being and connecting, in LOVE (red heart, one red blood). ♥
This was the second large-scale banner I ever painted for festival decor. I painted it during my time living in Byron Shire; a time of rapid growth and many valuable lessons I am deeply grateful for. Each year I made the trip home to FNQ, usually for the festival season. I believe it was at 'Winter Solstice Festival' 2008 that I first hung this banner. My friend 'Morgs' saw it there and asked if we could use it as backdrop for Kuranda Roots Festival in a couple of weeks, still held at the Kuranda Amphitheatre then.
Its reggae Rasta colours and message were perfect!
Here began my involvement in dressing/ decorating Kuranda Roots event over 9 consecutive years. During this time I also created several large-scale paintings featured as Main-stage backdrops over 5 years for 'Island Vibe Festival' on Minjerribah (Stradbroke Island).
Becoming synonymous with the East Coast Festival scene, you might say they have become iconic. I feel in a way that everyone owns them now! You can find Heart of the People on:
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